My six months of age was Zantac since he was a month old. I do not like to rely on the medicine. He is breastfed, so I changed my diet and eliminating dairy products, chocolate, citrus and spicy food. But I wonder if there is anything that can help soothe your natural ebb. We had the same problem with our daughter. She had to have a range of reflux was so bad. We tried to get water, holistic / homeopathic remedies. Nothing seemed to Zantac. To date, met 10 months, which had been completely overcome, thank God. Since I was 10 months old, who just spit up twice and you can lay back in bed without being miserable. In our experience, nothing worked anywhere near as good as Zantac did. Good luck. best news is likely to grow by 99% there. homeopathy! Flu water would be useless for babies Acid Reflex. I found out my daughter had when she was 2 months old and started on Prevacid, helped, but they still spit a lot and cried beautiful Here are some things we did for my daughters (ARD), first flow top-ranked second store in a top spot for at least 30 to one hour after the third-feed your baby if you give a bottle of weather or not you try to feed your 1-2 tspns of cereal in their milk your diet fourth switch, it's already the fifth sleep when not allow his rental, lifted his head and upper chest a bit, so it is at an angle. Maybe bring a few books under the legs of the crib. You also have the little things you can put your baby while in the crib that she has taken up a bit. My daughters ARD is not eternal, it is now 7 months old, and although she still spits a lot (which some infants light), she has no pain or chest discomfort or other symptoms of acid reflex. I hope helped! Gripe Water is a mild antacid. It can not really hurt small frequent meals are better than large meals. Although fatty foods, fried foods, citrus fruits and corn to make things worse .
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