Friday, March 4, 2011

What kind of diet will improve acid reflux.?

I have heartburn, or at least I think it is and take things as Gaviscon to help with exams lately great it was worse. I began to avoid eating in the morning, I just can not stomach it right up to three, and even then it's just about a piece of chocolate or mimic size. Then dinner, I usually at the end of this split in two because I can not handle too much. I want a normal diet where I eat three times a day can have, without problems, espcailly nausea and feeling of fluid in the throat and burning. Gaviscon temprealy make it better, but not for long and not always good enough. What can I do? I'm on an overnight hike on a couple of weeks, where the food is important, but use to go in six hours, I did not feel hungry at the end, and we eat probably three Cours? Ideas? Thanks ^ ^


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