Monday, February 14, 2011

Do you believe I got rid of Acid Reflux by adding yogurt to my diet everyday?

I promise you, I use to buy a package of medication once every two weeks to live just now.I can eat anything as bad as I do and I'm good. Are there any scientific backing for this? Who? Yes, I think. Yogurt contains probiotics, the "healing" (called dysbiosis) is an imbalance of intestinal flora, which would cause your reflux can be. No, dairy products dramatically increase your sensitivity to acid reflux and indigestion. Milk is not something that (to consume memory, we are the only animals that milk as adults), body after childhood can cause your body to digest a lot of indigestion. Maybe it was the substance? Unfortunately, conventional medicine make the symptoms of a problem but cause another problem (generally heavier). And when you stop taking the medicine stop the symptoms. Have you tried the cider vinegar? It's good for a variety of diseases including acid reflux.


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