My daughter is 4 weeks old and has reflux and I feel like I'm hungry. Can anyone give me ideas on what I eat, I'm currently dairy and citrus foods to avoid. So I eat potatoes, bread, pasta and pears. So if anyone has thought about this and I have an idea for a diet that would be great. Serious replies only please, thanks. Eat lots of carbohydrates protien to try an IE red meat and iron supplements during lactation can also try goat form feed once or twice per day is, theres a lot of nutrients in goat milk may help stop reflux Hello, my children also reflux. I would recommend getting rid of all these foods gluten (wheat, barley and rye) and see how your daughter does. There are many gluten-free foods at health food stores. I hope that helps - it made a big difference for my two daughters w / reflux. You can research online celiac disease. It has really helped my kids (and my husband and I). It says some information about the ebb and nothing Breastfeeding on diet of the mother. generally it is not a food that is off limits if a child has an allergy or a sensitivity to foods. Milk production is the most likely cause, but it does not cause reflux is exactly what is different and not lactose intolerance or otherwise, it is a food allergy. (Other "popular" foods that create problems in some baby corn, soybeans, eggs, nuts - some can not handle the protein in milk that goes), you should take a good amount of proteins when they have a lot of vegetarians eat beans and tofu, if not eating meat. Carbohydrates and pears is not a healthy diet. You're not affect your milk, but familiarize yourself sick. What happens in the stomach not to go into your milk. These are the nutrients flowing through the blood, which passes into breast milk, the usual stuff, who think we are sad that our stomachs do not know what upset our care for the child This link is all down to mother nutrition during lactation: http: / / / nutrition / mom / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Just as you do, what causes heartburn does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from someone who had tomatoes that I used my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chili, no raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. Experiment with food. Eat bland foods for 2 to 3 meals until you can determine what the "3" to eat was her acid reflux flares up. If your child has reflux, the child needs medication, what you eat, the child still reflux. Your child Ped. must give you a RX. I thought it odd that you had your diet is limited. These are the nutrients flowing through the blood, which passes into breast milk, the usual stuff, who think we are sad that our stomachs do not know what upset our care for the child This link is all down to mother nutrition during lactation: http: / / / nutrition / mom / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Just as you do, what causes heartburn does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from someone who had tomatoes that I used my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chili, no raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. Experiment with food. Eat bland foods for 2 to 3 meals until you can determine what the "3" to eat was her acid reflux flares up. If your child has reflux, the child needs medication, what you eat, the child still reflux. Your child Ped. must give you a RX. I thought it odd that you had your diet is limited. These are the nutrients flowing through the blood, which passes into breast milk, the usual stuff, who think we are sad that our stomachs do not know what upset our care for the child This link is all down to mother nutrition during lactation: http: / / / nutrition / mom / index.html Unfortunately it is trial and error. Every child is different. Just as you do, what causes heartburn does not affect anyone else, and vice versa. I had to stay away from someone who had tomatoes that I used my daughter. I could not eat pizza, marinara sauce, chili, no raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, etc. Experiment with food. Eat bland foods for 2 to 3 meals until you can determine what the "3" to eat was her acid reflux flares up. If your child has reflux, the child needs medication, what you eat, the child still reflux. Your child Ped. must give you a RX. I thought it odd that you had your diet is limited.
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